Most popular American architect today Daniel Burnham, he was planned a great project called The Venus Project, The modern architecture even comes with plans to build the machines needed to build these massive structures. why this venus project built on sea what an architect thinks about. because this modern architecture designed by imitating at ship and The oceans are definitely an under utilized resource, teeming with endless potential. Because infinity seems to be a reoccurring theme in these concepts, the next idea also seems appropriate to discuss.The Venus Project as modern architecture all an item inside building run automatically. an architect has an alternative perpose by construct modern architectrue called Venus Project on sea he hope will minimaze or protect from city polution.
sample project future city
Modern Architecture
Most popular American architect today Daniel Burnham, he was planned a great project called The Venus Project, The modern architecture even comes with plans to build the machines needed to build these massive structures. why this venus project built on sea what an architect thinks about. because this modern architecture designed by imitating at ship and The oceans are definitely an under utilized resource, teeming with endless potential. Because infinity seems to be a reoccurring theme in these concepts, the next idea also seems appropriate to discuss.The Venus Project as modern architecture all an item inside building run automatically. an architect has an alternative perpose by construct modern architectrue called Venus Project on sea he hope will minimaze or protect from city polution.
Seoul Commune 2026 – future project
Top Ten: Future Cities Predicted in 2050
1. Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s like I am living in a goldfish tank?” Well, in the future, geographical land will be hard to come by, so where better to live, than under water! We predict that the sea will be the key location, people will want to live, enjoy the sea life and tranquillity, whilst watching a “Great White Shark,” pounce on its victim.
2. In Asia, many projects have been submitted for an Eco-City. It can hold a modest proportion of population, and looks like giant anthills. People, who like both the country and city life, will enjoy this, totally green city.
3. This project has been submitted by Sea 02, and will hopefully feature, within the next few years. It comprises of large apartment buildings, which generate solar electricity that basically powers itself. The egg looking buildings are curved and lean in a way to give an impression that all buildings are not “On top of one and another,” in order, to generate as much sunlight as possible.
4. Giant lily pads! These giant, lily-Cities, look like “Green,” football stadiums and can hold up to 70,000 people. With many floor levels above water, and beneath. It generates solar electricity and consists of lush gardens, dotted all around.
5. From one lily to another. This is an off shore, seaport, airport and small city, all in one. By 2050, many “Blimp,” planes will be floating around all over, and provide transportation, before much smaller, planes are made private. However, this giant lily, looking web, will house many people in the thousands and provide offshore housing.
6. This is a futuristic “boomerang,” and it will compromise of shops, and residential areas. It is like a shopping mall, but on a much larger scale. Also, it will consist of tens of hundreds of gardens that offer lush scenery, and offer the most peaceful surrounds.
7. Currently, a notion to adapt many cities, to new “Eco-friendly,” environments, this is a perfect innovation on today’s cities. The mirrored looking buildings will be the right resources, to provide for solar power, to send these 21st century buildings further into the future.
8. This is the concept of future cities and how they are likely to develop. Like most dense cities now, this city will consist of large buildings of modern 36th century, architecture. However, many-domed “Hub’s,” will be dotted around to provide solar power for neighbouring buildings.
9. This is the largest cities, and is an in-sight to what New York, or Tokyo, might look like in the future. With controlled driving. Cars will fly in amongst “Space-scrapers.” (Skyscrapers, have almost reached the limit, and the moon is the only way to go).
10. Which brings us to our final city? It will be relatively new, since many of us have moved from Earth, but we all would share, accommodation, on the moon. This is an artist’s interpretation, but just how long before we move planet?
Technology and Gadget Predictions for 2050!
However, we have pondered and paced the garden thinking of what possible catastrophes can be applauded in 42 years? This is what we came up with:
The Flying Car
Senibina terbaru Putrajaya yang unik
Senibina terbaru Putrajaya yang unik
The WaterMill
The WaterMill
Every elementary school student learns about condensation. Water from the air accumulates on a cold surface, much like a toilet tank sweats in the summer or dew forms on grass overnight. The technology to extract water from air has been around for years - Waterex and Aquamaker both harvest water out of air using dehumidifiers. Now, though a British Columbian company in Kelowna called Element Four has come up with its version: the WaterMill.
Material Turns Sound Waves Into Electricity
Material Turns Sound Waves Into Electricity
Just when you thought that engineers have run out of ideas for harvesting power from mundane human activity, a scientist from Texas A&M invents a piezoelectric material that can turn sound waves into electricity. His idea? Stick it in a cell phone.
Bacteria Could Rid the World of Packaging Waste
Bacteria Could Rid the World of Packaging Waste
Consumer and shipping packaging can be incredibly wasteful. Some companies are downsizing their packaging, but many products sitll come wrapped and boxed in ridiculous amounts of plastic, paper, cardboard - you name it. One designer has come up with a way to get rid of the waste by wrapping objects in bacteria, creating a biodegradable, custom-fitting shell. Both gross and exciting!
Mareike Frensmeier just won third place in the Cargo Packs 2020 challenge for his bacteria wrap idea called Bacs. The packaging is made by covering an object with a culture of the bacterium acetobacter xylinum, then starting a sugar feeding frenzy. This creates a "fibrous nano-scaled cellulose network" that encases the object and keeps it safe along its journey.
Spinning Blimp Wind Turbine
Spinning Blimp Wind Turbine
From Magenn power Inc comes an interesting new design for a wind turbine. This could be a goodyear for renewable energy. Called the 'M.A.R.S' - a fantastic acronym for the Magenn Power Air Rotor System - which promises lower costs, better performance, and enhanced environmental benefit. The turbine is a lighter than air blimp, which rotates around a horizontal axis. A unique design orients the blimp into the wind. One of the interesting facets of this technology, is that as it is anchored to the ground by a 1000 foot cable, the MARS could be anywhere up to 707 ft from its base.
carbon nanotubes
Honda's carbon nanotubes will change the world
Carbon nanotubes have otherworldly qualities, and now Honda says its figured out a way to make the manufacture of such miraculous materials practical. Get this: Honda says its carbon nanotubes are
- 100,000 times thinner than human hair
- Stronger than steel
- Conduct electricity better than copper
- Conduct heat better than a diamond
- Light as cotton
Intel Demonstrates New Wireless Electric Power System
8 Technologies for a Green Future
8 Technologies for a Green Future
Today's breakthroughs are a good start, but the best is yet to come. From at-home hydrogen fueling stations to toxic-waste-eating trees, a look at the most promising solutions of tomorrow.
(Business 2.0 Magazine) -- The planet's most pressing environmental problems - global warming, energy shortages, over fishing, pollution - may seem just too big to be solved with today's technology. But don't despair: A lot of bright minds are working on futuristic projects that promise to make the world greener while making entrepreneurs some green.It's save-the-world stuff like toxic-waste-eating trees, smart electricity grids, oceangoing robots, and floating environmental sensors. Then there's the alternative-energy home fueling station that could jump-start the long-awaited hydrogen economy. This technology may seem far out - but it will probably be here a lot sooner than you think.
1. Home hydrogen fueling station
What could be cooler - or greener - than a hydrogen car in your driveway? Try a solar-powered hydrogen fueling station in your garage. Scientists in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a prototype of such a device. It's about the size of a filing cabinet and runs on electricity generated by standard-issue rooftop solar panels.
The first version of the home fueling station is expected to produce enough hydrogen to give your runabout a range of some 100 miles without emitting a molecule of planet-warming greenhouse gas. Road trips are out of the question, but it's enough juice for running suburban errands or powering fleets of urban delivery trucks.
"You don't need a hydrogen infrastructure to introduce the hydrogen economy," says Sukhvinder Badwal, a veteran fuel-cell scientist leading the project at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
The solar-fired fuel-station-in-a-box leapfrogs two big obstacles to the much-hyped hydrogen economy. One is the multibillion-dollar expense of building national networks of pipelines and fuel stations to replace the corner Chevron.
The other is the fact that today most hydrogen is produced by burning fossil fuel to create hydrogen gas - not exactly a clean and green process. The home hydrogen fuel station solves those problems in one package that Badwal hopes will ultimately sell for about $500.
The heart of the fuel station is an electrolyzer - essentially a fuel cell run in reverse. An electric current from solar panels (a home wind turbine would also do the job) separates water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is compressed and stored, ready for use in a fuel-cell car or an electric/hydrogen hybrid with an engine converted to run on the gas.
CSIRO is in talks with potential commercial partners, so Badwal's lab is off-limits to visitors. But on his computer screen, he reveals a box that would fit easily in the corner of a garage next to the mountain bikes.
Real-world tests of the home fueling system were to begin early this year at RMIT University in Melbourne, with commercial trials two years off. Obstacles remain, including the cost of hydrogen cars, but the technology could go a long way to making the family wagon carbon-neutral. (Read more about home hydrogen fueling stations on the Green Wombat Blog).
2. Environmental sensor networks
Call it the networked environment. Picture tiny - we're talking small as a dime - wireless sensors lining lake beds and ocean floors, buried in the ground, and floating in the air. All the time sniffing the air, water, and soil for chemicals and pollutants and detecting changes in temperature and pressure.
The payoff: real-time data on a variety of phenomena that affect the economy and society - climate change, hurricanes, air and water pollution. Scientists are capitalizing on advances in wireless tech and nanotechnology to build networks of these environmental sensors.
Arizona State University scientist Joe Wang has already deployed them in San Diego Bay and the canals of Venice to keep watch on heavy-metal levels and mercury contamination. Researchers at the University of British Columbia and the University of California at Berkeley, meanwhile, have created a coin-size solar cell that could power the transmitters for sensor networks that one day might monitor a river or a bay for leaking pipelines.
Cooler yet are solar-powered sensors that hover in the air. Ensco, a technology company based in Falls Church, Va., is developing a beach-ball-size gadget that gets its juice from thin-film solar panels and would measure weather patterns by probing the curve of a jet stream or the interior of a hurricane.
3. Toxin-eating trees
Plant a forest, clean up a Superfund site. That's the idea behind phytoremediation, a technology that uses vegetation to absorb hazardous waste from industrial plants and other polluters.
The technique has been around for years but hasn't proven very effective. Now there's a new twist that promises to make toxic dumping grounds green in more ways than one.
Researchers at York University in Britain have identified bacteria living in the roots of poplar trees that produce an enzyme that zaps residue from RDX, a chemical compound used by the military and industry. The scientists are working on ways to genetically engineer the enzyme to boost the tree's ability to suck up toxic waste. So don't be surprised if you start seeing forests sprouting on old military bases.
Meanwhile, a team from the University of Georgia has transplanted a gene from bacteria that helps neutralize mercury contamination into a common flower. The result: a solar-powered bioremediation system that smells nice too.
4. Nuclear waste neutralizer
Forget Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Homer Simpson. Nuclear energy is making a comeback, and it's now being touted as a greenhouse-gas-free solution to global warming. But one big problem remains: What to do with untold tons of radioactive waste that will be red-hot for hundreds of thousands of years?
The answer: Recycle it. But not with current nuclear-waste-reprocessing technology, which leaves behind an unfortunate by-product - weapons-grade plutonium. Instead, scientists at the government's Argonne National Lab near Chicago are devising a chemical technology called Urex+ that extracts reusable uranium and separates out cesium, allowing four times as much waste to be packed into nuclear burial grounds.
Such technology would at last make a nuke-plant-building boom ecologically feasible, but that's far from the only benefit. It would also leave the plutonium encased in other elements, rendering it all but useless to terrorists, North Korean dictators, and other evildoers. In addition, plans are afoot for a new type of nuclear reactor that could burn the reprocessed waste as fuel. But the inevitable fight over a nuclear revival is some time off - it'll be five to 10 years before the waste-reprocessing technologies are ready for prime time.
5. Autonomous ocean robots
The world's seas are in an ocean of trouble: climate change, vanishing fish, coral bleaching. Just keeping tabs on an airless environment that covers three-quarters of the earth's surface is a bit like exploring a distant planet. Which means it's best to send in the robots.
Unfortunately, today most oceangoing bots are big, dumb, and expensive. They need to be tethered to boats and operated by humans who collect paychecks. But not the Starbug. Under development in Australia, the 4-foot-long yellow robot operates autonomously and is highly maneuverable, thanks to its innovative thruster technology and robotic vision.
According to the robot's designer, scientist Matthew Dunbabin of CSIRO, the Starbug will monitor water quality, map fish habitats, and survey threatened coral reefs. It could also be deployed to detect drops in fish populations, as well as being dispatched to help with underwater gas and oil exploration.
Rather than relying on costly sonar, the Starbug "sees" its surroundings. Its cameras and the onboard Linux operating system let the robot identify and count, for instance, marine pests that are killing off parts of the Great Barrier Reef, a 135,000-square-mile ecological cash cow that generates $8.3 billion annually in tourism revenue.
With the robot's initial cost at an estimated $24,000, Dunbabin envisions fleets of Starbugs launched from shore or small boats. His team is now building the next-generation Starbug, which should start rolling off the assembly line late this year.
6. Sonic water purifier
Here's a sci-fi solution for an age-old problem that leaves 1.1 billion people without access to clean water: Beam ultrasound waves into polluted water, blowing up the cellular walls and carbon bonds of contaminants. What's left is a cool drink of fresh H2O.
Filters and chemicals are normally used to purify dirty water, but researchers are experimenting with ultrasound technology as a cheaper alternative. Ultrasound waves have already been used to break up sewage in sanitation systems.
Now that the probes that produce the sound waves are getting more powerful, however, scientists are retooling the devices to decontaminate large tanks of water, a process called sonolysis.
The goal is twofold. First, portable sonolysis machines could be deployed to isolated villages in developing countries. In urban areas, meanwhile, sonolysis could treat water tainted with industrial pollution. Scientists like Villanova University's Rominder Suri are studying how sound waves can break down chemicals into less harmful components, detoxifying wastewater.
7. Endangered-species tracker
Old: Save the whales! New: Web 2.0 those whales, and then clone 'em! There are more than 16,000 known threatened animal and plant species; their plights worsen each year as deforestation, development, and climate change take their toll.
Conservationists are looking to tag endangered animals like the Amazon's piglike white-lipped peccary with radio frequency ID tags and GPS sensors, and then use Web 2.0 mashup techniques to overlay their locations and map details of their habitats and habits with other landscape features. The plan is to identify and design better wildlife preserves to ensure the survival of species edging toward extinction.
For animals on the brink of oblivion, brave-new-world steps are being contemplated. In 2003, scientists cloned an endangered banteng cow, and XY Inc. of Fort Collins, Colo., has developed sperm-sorting technology that could one day be used for sex selection in endangered species to boost captive breeding programs. India, meanwhile, is setting up a laboratory to cryopreserve the sperm and DNA of rare Bengal tigers and other animals so they can eventually be cloned.
8. The interactive, renewable smart power grid
California utility Pacific Gas & Electric (Charts) is developing the electricity grid of the future, one that will look more like the Internet - distributed, interactive, open-source - than the dumb, one-way network of today that pushes dinosaur molecules from a carbon-spewing power plant to your home.
Hal LaFlash, PG&E's director of renewable-energy policy and planning, gave Business 2.0 a preview of the technologies and energy sources that utilities will tap for the power grid of tomorrow.
Solar stations Large-scale plants using new thermal and photovoltaic technologies will operate in Southern California and the desert Southwest.
Solar buildings As solar cells are integrated into rooftops, walls, and windows, homes and office towers will become miniature power stations, generating their own electricity and feeding excess power back into the grid.
Wind power Anywhere the wind blows is a potential site for a turbine, but the Great Plains is the place utilities are eyeing for giant wind farms.
Wave power PG&E is looking at the Northern California coast for potential sites for wave energy generators. The Northeast coast is another prime source of as-yet-untapped wave power.
Cow power California has 1.7 million cows and more than 2,000 dairies. A dozen dairies have already installed methane digesters to turn cow manure - a source of one of the most destructive greenhouse gases - into electricity. The digester extracts methane gas from cow poop and uses it to power an electricity-generating turbine. Other dairies have plans to produce a bovine biogas that will be piped to power plants.
Car power PG&E is developing technology that will allow future "plug-in" hybrid vehicles not only to recharge their batteries but also to feed electricity back into the power grid during peak demand.
Clean-coal plants Located mainly in the East and Midwest, these plants will gasify coal, stripping it of pollutants. Carbon dioxide will be captured before it can be released into the atmosphere.
Smart grids Interactive power grids will communicate with smart agents embedded in household appliances, allowing power to be distributed where it is needed most.
For the latest news on green tech, turn to Todd Woody's blog, the Green Wombat:Wireless energy transfer
Wireless energy transfer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wireless energy transfer or wireless power transmission is the process that takes place in any system where electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to an electrical load, without interconnecting wires. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where instantaneous or continuous energy transfer is needed, but interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible.
While the physics are identical, wireless energy transfer is slightly different from wireless transmission for the purpose of telecommunications (the transferring of information), such as radio, where the signal-to-noise ratio, or the percentage of power received, becomes critical if it is too low to recover the signal successfully. With wireless energy transfer efficiency is the more important parameter.
The most common form of wireless power is carried out using induction, followed by electrodynamic induction. Other technologies for wireless power include those based upon microwaves and lasers.[1][2]
New Orleans
Heavenly Abode
Rebuilding New Orleans is an ongoing effort and pitching into the concept-zone is the New Orleans Arcology Habitat or NOAH. Since the details on this structure are in-depth and plenty, lets plunge into them right away. NOAH proposes to be a habitat for 40,000 residents who can benefit from the planned residential units, school system, commercial, retail, hotels, casinos, parking, and public works facilities.
NOAH is based upon the following preliminary program outline.
1. Residential Units / Rental and Condominium; 20,000 units @ average 1100 Sq ft
2. Three Hotels; Average 200 rooms plus associated services
3. Time Share Units; 1500 units @ average 1100 sq ft
4. Three Casino Facilities
5. Commercial Space / Rental and Condominiums; 500,000 sq ft
6. Commercial Space / Retail; 500,000 sq ft
7. Parking Garage / within foundation; 8,000 cars
8. Cultural Facilities; 100,000 sq ft
9. Public Works; 50,000 sq ft / includes storage
10. District School System; 100,000 sq ft
11. District Administrative Office; 50,000 sq ft
12. District Health Care Facility; 20,000 sq ft
Estimated Total Square Footage : 30 million
Location/ Site Specific:
In reviewing all the options and possible sites for NOAH, the most logical location is on the Mississippi riverfront and adjacent to the Central Business District.
Design Challenge:
1. The first challenge is to overcome both the physical and psychological damages of recurring severe weather patterns. Though re-population has begun, the need to provide a stabilized and safe environment is paramount to a long term recovery and economic well being of New Orleans.
2. The second challenge is that New Orleans has too much water. The city has been built at and below sea levels which creates consistently high water table and makes it prone to flooding and storm surges.
3. The third challenge is that New Orleans is built on soil condition which consists of thousands of feet of soft soil, silt and clay. These conditions make building large scale concentrated structures difficult.
Believing that NOAH is a viable plan, our solution to overcome these challenges is to take advantage of these seemingly conflicting issues with the introduction of a floating urban platform.
Foundation Design / Basin
The NOAH foundation system is twofold. The first part of the system is to create a water filled “basin” within which the urban platform (NOAH) will float.
The second part of the system is to create a multi-cavity “hull” which will be the actual foundation for the superstructure.
The water basin will be a combination of carving into the existing land and extending out into the Mississippi River.
This man made basin is estimated to be 1,200 feet in diameter with a depth of 250 feet.
The walls and floor of the basin would be constructed of high strength concrete with applied lateral bracing and exterior attached tension rings.
Backup intact valves will allow basin and river water levels to remain constant.
The Foundation:
Noah, at its current height of 1,200 feet will rest up its triangulated foundation constituted
to be a buoyant multi-cavity “hull.” This “hull” will consist of high strength concrete cells, forming approximately a 40×40 matrix. This matrix not only gives buoyancy to the structure, it also becomes the framing matrix for the steel framed superstructure. It is estimated that the combined weight of NOAH will draft 180 feet within the water-filled basin, allowing a minimum 50 foot space between the floor of the basin and the floor of the buoyant foundation.
The hull will accept all land connectors as flexible conveyors to take into account any movement.
A triangulate shape has been chosen as the basis for NOAH. For two reasons:
First, the triangle is inherently the most rigid of all structural framing systems. The system is designed to dissipate gravity and severe wind loads through an all-steel applied (eko skeleton) exterior frame and conventional internal framing methodology.
Second, the triangle is an “open” frame configuration, dividing NOAH into three separate “towers” converging at the top. The intent of this open system is to allow all severe weather /winds to in effect “blow through” the structure in any direction with the minimum of massing interference.
Some Other Features:
1. Sky Gardens will be inserted into the three main towers every 30 floors. These sky gardens provide landscaped glass enclosed atria.
2. Vertical commuting within NOAH will be supported by a series of local and express custom canted elevators.
3. NOAH is geared to an all pedestrian environment. Accordingly, only select horizontally based areas will be fitted with moving walkways and/or electric train carriers.
NOAH is a three phase master plan with a proposed 10 year build out. This time frame can be reduced to an estimated 6 years should demand accelerate.
The structure is designed to expand the horizon of sustainability and will seek LEED certification.
It will eliminate the need for cars within the urban structure, and thus becomes a carbon neutral entity. Internal electric transport links, vertical and horizontal, create a pedestrian-friendly community,
Some of these elements are secured wind turbines, fresh water recovery and storage systems, passive glazing system, sky garden heating/cooling vents, grey water treatment, solar array banding panels, and river based water turbines.
Design / Concept:
E. Kevin Schopfer AIA, RIBA
Executive Architect:
Ahearn / Schopfer Associates; Boston, MA
Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.; Cambridge, MA
Associate Architect:
Raymond C. Bergeron, NCARB; New Orleans, LA
Tangram 3DS; Kittery, ME
Structural / Mechanical:
Arup; Boston, London
Foundation Consultants:
Acergy; New Orleans, LA
24 Fantastic Future Wonders of Green Design
24 Fantastic Future Wonders of Green Design
The ‘green movement’ has swept the world and architecture is at the forefront of the new industrial revolution – buildings being by far the biggest energy-sappers in the world. Many contemporary architects are limited by the confines of budgets, time tables and constricting clients. Some industrious innovators, however, are breaking convention and collaborating to launch our imaginations into the future of green design. A surprising number of the following projects are even slated to be built.
Some of these structures are already in the works while others may never be fully realized. All, however, share a visionary eco-friendly outlook that pushes the boundaries of contemporary sustainable design. From floating eco-cities to sustainable skyscraper farms, modular folding origamic architecture to gigantic green super-spires, here are 24 future green designs that boggle the mind. Click below to learn more: