sample project future city

Modern Architecture

Modern Architecture,future architecture,contemporary architecture,buidling architecture
Most popular American architect today Daniel Burnham, he was planned a great project called The Venus Project, The modern architecture even comes with plans to build the machines needed to build these massive structures. why this venus project built on sea what an architect thinks about. because this modern architecture designed by imitating at ship and The oceans are definitely an under utilized resource, teeming with endless potential.  Because infinity seems to be a reoccurring theme in these concepts, the next idea also seems appropriate to discuss.The Venus Project as modern architecture all an item inside building run automatically. an architect has an alternative perpose by construct modern architectrue called Venus Project on sea he hope will minimaze or protect from city polution.

Seoul Commune 2026 – future project

Green Towers will be located in the southern part of Seoul, South Korea, in a large-scale urban redevelopment zone that is possibly one of the most densely populated places on Earth. The Seoul Commune 2026 project by Mass Studies is just sheer genius. Covering 393,400 square meters of land and bound by the Han River on the northern side, 15 towers of varying height -from 16 to 53 floors-function like one giant house in this park-like setting.

Top Ten: Future Cities Predicted in 2050

Many argue, that colossal cities, such as: New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and Beijing, might not be well equip for the future – by, equip, we mean, technological enhanced, to deal with the amount of emission cuts, that are likely to arise, and in years might end up derelict! Here are some Eco-friendly Initiative ideas that Gaj-it came up with:
1. Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s like I am living in a goldfish tank?” Well, in the future, geographical land will be hard to come by, so where better to live, than under water! We predict that the sea will be the key location, people will want to live, enjoy the sea life and tranquillity, whilst watching a “Great White Shark,” pounce on its victim.

2. In Asia, many projects have been submitted for an Eco-City. It can hold a modest proportion of population, and looks like giant anthills. People, who like both the country and city life, will enjoy this, totally green city.

3. This project has been submitted by Sea 02, and will hopefully feature, within the next few years. It comprises of large apartment buildings, which generate solar electricity that basically powers itself. The egg looking buildings are curved and lean in a way to give an impression that all buildings are not “On top of one and another,” in order, to generate as much sunlight as possible.

4. Giant lily pads! These giant, lily-Cities, look like “Green,” football stadiums and can hold up to 70,000 people. With many floor levels above water, and beneath. It generates solar electricity and consists of lush gardens, dotted all around.

5. From one lily to another. This is an off shore, seaport, airport and small city, all in one. By 2050, many “Blimp,” planes will be floating around all over, and provide transportation, before much smaller, planes are made private. However, this giant lily, looking web, will house many people in the thousands and provide offshore housing.

6. This is a futuristic “boomerang,” and it will compromise of shops, and residential areas. It is like a shopping mall, but on a much larger scale. Also, it will consist of tens of hundreds of gardens that offer lush scenery, and offer the most peaceful surrounds.

7. Currently, a notion to adapt many cities, to new “Eco-friendly,” environments, this is a perfect innovation on today’s cities. The mirrored looking buildings will be the right resources, to provide for solar power, to send these 21st century buildings further into the future.

8. This is the concept of future cities and how they are likely to develop. Like most dense cities now, this city will consist of large buildings of modern 36th century, architecture. However, many-domed “Hub’s,” will be dotted around to provide solar power for neighbouring buildings.

9. This is the largest cities, and is an in-sight to what New York, or Tokyo, might look like in the future. With controlled driving. Cars will fly in amongst “Space-scrapers.” (Skyscrapers, have almost reached the limit, and the moon is the only way to go).

10. Which brings us to our final city? It will be relatively new, since many of us have moved from Earth, but we all would share, accommodation, on the moon. This is an artist’s interpretation, but just how long before we move planet?

source :

Technology and Gadget Predictions for 2050!

We fast forward, 42 years into the future, a bleak vision for some of us when remembering the first “super-computer” as people shrieked and fled in terror, almost convinced that the “super-computer” will dominate human life. But let’s face it, it was the size of a small house and answered algebraic equation’s in minutes, just like the calculator can in seconds.
However, we have pondered and paced the garden thinking of what possible catastrophes can be applauded in 42 years? This is what we came up with:
The Flying Car

Senibina terbaru Putrajaya yang unik

Senibina terbaru Putrajaya yang unik

by Mohd Ismail on March 27, 2008
Unik. Satu-satu’nya perkataan yang boleh menggambarkan senibina terbaru yang akan di’bangunkan di’Putrajaya — buah hati pemerintah kita. Bangunan yang akan menjadi kawasan penempatan penduduk ini akan di’bina di Presint 4, Putrajaya. Bangunan yang unik ini di’katakan akan mengoptimumkan penggunaan sumber hijau & akan mengurangkan pembebasan Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sebanyak 50% berbanding kawasan kediaman biasa. Sesuatu yang baru dalam agenda pembangunan bangunan di’Malaysia aku kira.

The WaterMill

The WaterMill

Every elementary school student learns about condensation. Water from the air accumulates on a cold surface, much like a toilet tank sweats in the summer or dew forms on grass overnight. The technology to extract water from air has been around for years - Waterex and Aquamaker both harvest water out of air using dehumidifiers. Now, though a British Columbian company in Kelowna called Element Four has come up with its version: the WaterMill.

Material Turns Sound Waves Into Electricity

Material Turns Sound Waves Into Electricity

Just when you thought that engineers have run out of ideas for harvesting power from mundane human activity, a scientist from Texas A&M invents a piezoelectric material that can turn sound waves into electricity. His idea? Stick it in a cell phone.